roar of truth will give waves of horror in the hearts of wrong doers. roaring lions can be tamed but not a heart that is boiling with guilt.we think that both ma n and god have no hint about our thoughts. good habits and thoughts help us to earn good character.
ugly sense of pride makes the person go towards wrong. nothing else can stop you from going to the arms of wrong but your heart filled with purity. you should ensure that only truth directs you. people enjoy when rumors spread about others esppecially the ones who are in power and glamour. it is not good to make others feel miserable in front of others.
always speak sure truth. the very world will hate liars. satyameva jayathe
Wonderful thought Sherin… I am happy to see you analysing situations and people which speaks for your observation! Kudos to u dear! .. Just to add … A guilty heart can be tamed. It just needs to to feel and utter a word of apology and things will follow suit eventually, magically!