poems written for the Napowrimo event held online by the group The significant league aka rejected stuff
Stolen Things
A chocolate ball Ferrero Rocher But that’s because she tried to be smarter My grandma had given me a Five Star Now I know she has eaten that bar Somedays back my small white Bounty was lost I planned revenge and ate all Lindt to the last Sure I have stolen many a sweet chocolate Did so to stop my sister from getting very fat Guylian is always her favorite I know I was ready to trade it for a Toblerone or so But our love for each other is the sweetest Always we try to give each other our very best
Tears erupt from my eyes when not able to find myself as I search in the mirror hanging on the wall. This is not at all my image in front of me. Many hours i stare without a wink Mist covers my reflection with an umbrella No! It is not me, where is the real me? This is not the self that really I am. How do I dig deep into my mind and discover my true inner self? Wiping off the dust, dirt and grime Brushing away the cobwebs of sad thoughts, l lost confidence and crumbled self esteem Then my true self will be revealed my glowing visage and golden heart will be reflected.
Windows of my room let in the soft rays of the rising Sun Waking me up with the noise of the bicycle bells Busy men on scooters some speeding away on cars
My window reminds me of my worthless thoughts, wingless travelling into the sky. The cat sneaks out through the window Her tail up like a free digit one Hot air blows in, it has asked not my permission Clouds want to fight, shout and flash lights My window throws on me drops of joy Tree tops high, close to heaven swing my prayers up Winged friends flying south, my dreams I wish could fly with them The moon peeks in from behind the coconut trees The yellow light illuminates the street outside My windows shut goodnight.