10,9,8… the drop in count resonated within the walls
In my tiny room i lay listening with a hasty heart
Tip of my tail twitched ,will my pal be back one day?
To the sun she goes, a long trip through the clouds.
Under the Russian flag your journey starts soon
Rare chance to fly amidst the stars and the moon.
Dare not to snap at a comet by its tail as you sail.
Are the unicorn and great bear still up in the sky?
Red sun renews his face every morning behind the hillock
Then you can hear me bark with Alby to chase away the cock
Return night ! you breathe cruel bad thoughts into my mind
Under a mat i would hide when sky boat spews fire flying.
Earth will be far when you watch from the cosmic glow
Away i sure will see your name shine in the milky flow
The world will remember you my brave friend who went
Above mans head, give him a lesson of being true to all.
We were an ill fed team of mongrels, but enjoying bones
Once we were set the cosmic canines to fly across universe.
Away you vanish in golden pages of history and science
Laika , you will always be my buddy . love Mushka.
photographs by my grandma when she visited space museum Moscow