Return of the lost dreams

The hot terrain was    gleaming in the  midday sun  .only tall buildings covered the exposed skin of the earth ,with their shadows. Orange hues   would render the sky in flames only after a long wait  for the sun to go down  into the arms of the sea. Earth goes round trying to take time towards the end of the day.

Outside my window I sense shadows of cube shaped houses turn longer, slowly.  Tea and snacks do come, but with just very less love.  After which   no life  remembers to  stop by my window. Everywhere    I hear  hurrying  feet. ;   like new thoughts trying to reach my fingertips  . Happy were the days when the  world  would await in total awe for every  thought  untied from me .  In my words   they found hope ad trust. Rusted   ideas would end up in  trash ; for trying to numb the changing minds.

Uncertain was my destiny so was that of my ways.  Thousands would   triumphantly roar every time I rose to address the people.

Does bloodbath find you liberation? Does it   open the gate to the land of   milk and honey? I had reversed my thinking.

The families   of those who had lost lives  were heading towards loss of trust in my plans. They wanted life for life; blood for blood.

Doors  were opened for me to wander away into dark  alleys of people’s memories. No more was I a  leader they revered, but a traitor who let them down in the fight to enthrone the new vision.

With  a room  to spread a mat to lie down ,my life demanded nothing difficult to find.

But  thoughts would  try to travel down to the endless  fields in white scattered around me.   No longer did anyone believe that peace could end war;  sitting across the table  could end shooting across the  streets.

Evening has lost its colours ,but  the awesome radiation is only invisible . I dream of the twinkling bright stars ,of day break, of sunlight, of waking up to the song of birds, to the smile of flowers….


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