Come fast, blessed but foggy days of joy
Open my letter quick! Mrs. Claus, as you pack the toys.
My hands were sanitized, pen and paper too
From my heart, I have sent you a request true.
For me dear a copy of ‘The Book Of Good Deeds’
That is what the world presently needs.
With it let me try to light up our world
Here poverty, disease aplenty; wickedness manifold.
Gift me mother Christmas ‘The List Of Kind Words’
To ease the people in pain from terror’s sharp swords.
Race, religion, culture and gender churns
lives; and climate change awaits its turn.
Read my note you must dear, in you I trust
Keep those in Santa’s red bag, ready to burst
And to the sleigh winding down the heaven
Bells tinkling, with reindeers Rudolph and seven.
Our world will be henceforth bright
Men and women will smile, spread light
Save our earth I will try; from a gruesome fate
As the Christmas carols fill the night late.