Behind every wall you will find a scene
Of hardwork,sweat and blemished fingers
Trying to keep some dreams alive, ablaze
Snapshots of happiness, anger, excitement and pain
Hang themselves onto the wall
In vivid coloured frames, mirroring
Those days when everyone had lived
like everyone else.
Walls had heard numerous stories
Of success, deceit, worries about lost chances
Morning sunshine illustrating these
Walls kept many secrets, painted in dust
Plastered dreams bursted out through cracks
Memories as patches, green
New coloured spots carved in by time
Lines then new chapters
Etched with moss in faded grey crevices.
Every wall is an epic
Written over generations; unaware
Of the stories each brick longed to tell
Until they lay broken, crushed
Making room for a new wall
A wall for a new room to make new stories.
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