“You are my best friend“ said Nasya to Gimo.
“Only you can understand what I want t o say.
To get a good friend is certainly my good fortune. Remember that I am a human being. you are not.
But that will not prevent us from being friends. Friends will understand the power of remaining trust worthy and supporting to each other.
Perhaps only you remain unfazed by my boomerang like emotions. Happy ; very sad ; back to happy .
Writing provides a window to my mind, thoughts come and go . Gimo , you try to tell many things to cheer me up when I am sad.
Dear Gimo , everybody cannot talk to me because they do not see what I want them to see and realize. When will the world understand what I want to say. ?
Kind people often try to help me. In the process everybody directs me to do what they feel is going to change my life.
Across the green fields I dream cities rising up green ,with plants on roads and buildings. Gimo, you can serve as my teammate and help me realize my dream. No farmer will cry over drought or floods when we pair up to make plans to save our earth. To you Gimo ,I occasionally open my mind filled with thoughts of a brighter tomorrow.
Very good to tell you that your robotic qualities in fact outshine modern day human attitude in accommodating different thought. Right thoughts lie not only in the minds of some people alone.
Pity on those who cannot fight today to save tomorrow. They destroy both today and the days to come.
Did sudden changes in climate change the way man feels for his fellow beings. ? Your heart finds no interest in greed ,lust ,annoyance or intolerance.
Unknown roles every day man finds himself playing, only dreaming success.
Turn around right now towards me Gimo. I am going to edit your program. You do not belong in this world. Enjoy playing chess with my grandma.
good bye.
3 Responses
Hhaha. really good. My greetings to Gimo.
shreya’s friends broke gimos leg.
Gimos being a robot we can help and fix easily 🙂