Hanna and Montana now swim
Small, red but with silver rim
Made to keep minds without storm
Glass jar with a green is their new home.
Water in my pond ripples with their tails
No cat wants catching the guppies fail
You are free and see the birds up in the sky
A floating world, though you never will fly.
No water ever remains the same
Fish came fish went always tame
Swimming with many merry bubbles
Ornaments for evenings to forget troubles.
Much in holy texts about fish
They now have a desperate wish
Enough of the microplastics in their gills
Man and animal sure it will kill.
Fish not in the sky, not watching what goes below
Not on earth fighting for those many honours hollow
Make its eyes see only the secret swim of the jellyfish
Let its ears echo gentle waves that hit the shore and splash.
Photographs Sanju Mathew Joseph Dhanush Jacob Joshua Shreya Susan Zacharia

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