Entire world awaits you, now
Your entry on the dimly lit ramp
Eyes long to catch a glimpse, of you
Lips ready to ‘WOW’ in awe, for you
News spread like wild fire, uncurbed
Media celebrate your return with much din
Men and women throng every street
Children happily seated to view your visage
Over rooftops and all tall fences
Railings and thick stone walls.
Many stories from your yester years
Your charm, your glory, your smile warm
Your gentle touch, not a harm, turned lives much
Dreams filled with hope, as your countenance glowed.
Your absence soon strained and wrecked
the ones in pain, illness and misery
Death and destruction spread
Calling your name aloud, mortals cried.
You were struck down!
Denied entry into bleeding towns
and burning villages!
Hungry children and thirsty crows
longed to hear your footsteps
and fall into your outstretched arms.
Now your patience is tested!
You can wait not a second more!
With bruised limbs and tattered robes
You dare to come back!
Now to stay!
Determined you are!
Crawling and falling, you
try to stand up!
You believe you can hold on!
Kindness! Oh Kindness!
Do not forsake the earthlings
In their woes, mankind needs you!
Your eyes shining with soft gentle
light of Kindness
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